Calendar Man

>> Thursday, December 25, 2008

Here's another guy, George, with remarkable ability.

Name any date and he'll tell you what day it is.

He's so fascinated by numbers and think of numbers as his friends.

Isn't that weird?

I see resemblance in his case with Daniel, and Orlando featured in my earlier post, Savant Syndrome.

It seems to me that this gift came about after a kinda brain damage happened to them.

Do u agree?


Cherry Sansita de Falconi December 26, 2008 at 2:19 AM  

scientist actually found out through studies that if you give a regular light vibration to a specific part of your brain, it will increase your memory..

Om Yus December 26, 2008 at 5:31 AM  

hmm... but these people claim they dont even think or try to remember. the answer just simply pop out, for example in daniel temmet's case, he sees sparks in his head which only ke knows the meaning.

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